Brain-sucker from Detroit

August 15, 2016

Today at the Senior Center (I’m the activities coordinator) I had a new batch of volunteers arrive.

It’s always interesting when new volunteers come into the center. They come from a range of backgrounds and interests, mostly from churches and other outreach centers, and are either a help or hindrance. No middle ground.

There are a few guys from around town and a chick working on her masters in community health from Detroit. She should be fun. She seems like she has a continual caffeine drip in her arm, and once she finds out that I, too, studied community health in my postgrad I have a feeling she is going to turn into a zombie and suck my brain for information.

Thank the stars I also played HvZ in college. I will survive the apocalyptic brain-sucker.

Single and happy.

August 13, 2016:

Why does that scare people?

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and the receptionist asked me a list of questions. One of which was my relationship status. My response? Single… and happy.

The receptionist laughed, which was nice. Usually I get a concerned look. There is something unsettling about being content in solitude. I’m not sure if it is because of the culture or because of some evolutionary trait which has humans wired to think someone alone has something defective in her.

Either way, they can get over it. For thousands of years there have been eunuchs and nuns and monks and priests and heavens know plenty of other types of people who have willingly chosen to be single and yet have had happy, fulfilling lives.

And I am no different.

Julie: Cooking vs. Me

In honor of all the people who take pictures of their food and share it with the world, please accept my humble recipe:

1 bag of ramen
1/4 cup alfredo sauce (4-cheese if you’re a vixen)

Instructions: Boil ramen. Throw away spice packet. It’s full of crap and salt. Drain ramen. Mix alfredo sauce in. Eat it. Wash your bowl out before remnants of noodles dry on and you have to take an ice pick to it.

Enjoy, my friends.

Ex-grad school student paying off loans